Source code for pkglts.install_env.stdout_front_end

"""Simple front end to emulate all environment modification
by printing the required operations.
from os import listdir
from os.path import basename, splitext
import sys

[docs]def installed_packages(): """Iterate on all packages installed in the current python environment. .. warning: extremely simple implementation that list the content of site-packages only. return: (list of str) """ for pth in sys.path: name = basename(pth) if name == "site-packages": for pkg in listdir(pth): pkgname, ext = splitext(pkg) if ext in ("", ".py", ".egg", ".egg-link"): if "-" in pkgname: pkgname = pkgname.split("-")[0] yield pkgname
[docs]def install(name): """Install a package in the current python environment. arg: - name (str): name of the package return: - (bool): whether installation was successful or not """ print("install %s" % name)