
Extend basic documentation to use the sphinx set of tools. This option will use the ‘default’ theme by default instead of ‘classic’ to ensure that the right theme will be selected on readthedocs. If the ‘autodoc_dvlpt’ parameter is set to True, then docstrings will also be compiled.



Quick tutorial

Follow these steps to build your first comprehensive documentation. I assume you also install the attached example files:

(dvlpt)$ pmg add sphinx
(dvlpt)$ pmg regenerate
(dvlpt)$ pmg example sphinx

If you already installed the pysetup option:

(dvlpt)$ python setup.py build_sphinx

will produce a set of html pages in ‘build/sphinx’. Open the ‘index.html’ file in the ‘html’ sub directory to access the main index. Alternatively you’ll find another ‘index.html’ file in the ‘docexample’ directory that provide examples of sphinx extensions usage.

If you don’t want to install the pysetup option, you simply need to run the make command from the doc directory:

(dvlpt)$ cd doc
(dvplt) doc$ make

This will produce a build directory with the same architecture as explained above.