Source code for pkglts.manage

""" Contains functions to manage the structure of the package.

Use '' for common tasks.
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import rmtree

from .config import pkg_hash_file, pkglts_dir
from .config_management import (Config, DEFAULT_CFG,
                                get_pkg_config, write_pkg_config)
from .hash_management import (get_pkg_hash, modified_file_hash,
                              pth_as_key, write_pkg_hash)
from .manage_tools import (check_option_parameters, find_templates,
                           render_template, update_opt)
from .option_tools import available_options, get_user_permission
from .small_tools import ensure_created

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def init_pkg(rep="."): """Initialise a package in given directory. Args: rep (Path): directory to create pkg into, default current Returns: None """ loc_pkglts_dir = rep / pkglts_dir ensure_created(loc_pkglts_dir)"init package") for name in ("", ""): (loc_pkglts_dir / name).touch() try: cfg = get_pkg_config(rep) except FileNotFoundError: cfg = Config(DEFAULT_CFG) write_pkg_config(cfg, rep) if not (loc_pkglts_dir / pkg_hash_file).exists(): write_pkg_hash({}, rep)
[docs] def clean(rep="."): """Thorough cleaning of all arborescence rooting at rep. Todo: exception list instead of hardcoded one Args: rep (Path): default ".", top directory to clean Returns: None """ root_dir = Path(rep) try: cfg = get_pkg_config(rep) try: doc_dir = root_dir / cfg['sphinx']['doc_dir'] for pth in (doc_dir / "build", doc_dir / "_dvlpt"): if pth.exists(): rmtree(pth) except KeyError: pass except FileNotFoundError: pass for name in ("build", "dist"): pth = root_dir / name if pth.exists(): rmtree(pth) for dir_pth in tuple(root_dir.glob("**/")): if dir_pth.exists(): # could have been removed with a previous rmtree if not'.') and len(tuple(dir_pth.glob(""))) == 0: if == '__pycache__': rmtree(dir_pth) else: for pth in dir_pth.glob("*.pyc"): if not'.'): pth.unlink() for pth in dir_pth.glob("*.pyo"): if not'.'): pth.unlink()
[docs] def add_option(name, cfg): """Add a new option to this package. Notes: See the list of available options online Args: name (str): name of option to add cfg (Config): current package configuration Returns: (Config): updated package configuration """ if name in cfg.installed_options(): raise UserWarning(f"option '{name}' already included in this package") return update_opt(name, cfg)
[docs] def install_example_files(option, cfg, target=Path(".")): """Install example files associated to an option. Args: option (str): name of option cfg (Config): current package configuration target (Path): target directory to write into Returns: (bool): whether operation succeeded or not """ if option not in cfg.installed_options(): LOGGER.warning("please install option before example files") return False opt = available_options[option] ex_dir = opt.example_dir() if ex_dir is None:"option does not provide any example") return False rg_tree = {} find_templates(ex_dir, target, cfg, rg_tree) for tgt_key, src_pths in rg_tree.items(): render_template(src_pths, Path(tgt_key), cfg, {}) return True
def _manage_conflicts(hm_ref, overwrite): """Check if files have been modified. Args: hm_ref (dict): reference hash for blocks overwrite (bool): whether or not, by default, overwrite user modified files Returns: (dict of str, bool): file path, overwrite """ conflicted = [] for tgt_key in hm_ref: tgt_pth = Path(tgt_key) if tgt_pth.exists() and modified_file_hash(tgt_pth, hm_ref): conflicted.append(tgt_pth) # else file disappeared, regenerate_dir will reload it if managed by pkglts overwrite_file = {} if conflicted: if overwrite: for pth in conflicted: LOGGER.debug("conflicted, '%s'", pth) overwrite_file[pth_as_key(pth)] = True else: for pth in conflicted: LOGGER.warning("A non editable section of %s has been modified", pth) overwrite_file[pth_as_key(pth)] = get_user_permission("overwrite", False) return overwrite_file
[docs] def regenerate_package(cfg, target=Path("."), overwrite=False): """Rebuild all automatically generated files. Args: cfg (Config): current package configuration target (Path): target directory to write into overwrite (bool): default False, whether or not to overwrite user modified files Returns: None """ # check consistency of env params invalids = [] for option in cfg.installed_options(): for name in check_option_parameters(option, cfg): invalids.append((option, name)) if invalids: for option, param in invalids: LOGGER.warning("param %s is not valid for '%s'", param, option) return False # check for potential conflicts hm_ref = get_pkg_hash(target) overwrite_file = _manage_conflicts(hm_ref, overwrite) # find template files associated with installed options rg_tree = {} for name in cfg.installed_options(return_sorted=True): opt = available_options[name] resource_dir = opt.resource_dir() if resource_dir is None:"option %s does not provide files", name) else:"find template for option %s", name) find_templates(resource_dir, target, cfg, rg_tree) # render all templates hmap = {} for tgt_key, src_pths in rg_tree.items(): loc_map = render_template(src_pths, Path(tgt_key), cfg, overwrite_file) if loc_map is not None: # non binary file hmap[tgt_key] = loc_map hm_ref.update(hmap) write_pkg_hash(hm_ref, target)
[docs] def regenerate_option(cfg, name, target=".", overwrite=False): """Call the regenerate function of a given option Args: cfg (Config): current package configuration name: (str) name of option target: (Path) target directory to write into overwrite (bool): default False, whether or not to overwrite user modified files Returns: None """ # test existence of option regenerate module try: opt = available_options[name] opt.regenerate(cfg, target, overwrite) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"option '{name}' does not exists")
[docs] def reset_package(cfg, target=Path(".")): """Remove all templated files from packages. Args: cfg (Config): current package configuration target: (Path) target directory to write into Returns: None """ hm_ref = get_pkg_hash(target) # remove all templates for tgt_pth in list(hm_ref): LOGGER.debug("remove file '%s'", tgt_pth) try: Path(tgt_pth).unlink() except FileNotFoundError: LOGGER.debug("File '%s' does not exist", tgt_pth) del hm_ref[tgt_pth] write_pkg_hash(hm_ref, target)