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Building packages with long term support

The rationale behind the creation of this ‘package builder’ is to keep the life of a python programmer as easy as possible by providing three core functions:

  • A way to add more functionality to an existing package.

  • A way to keep the package structure up to date with currently known best practices.

  • Remove repetitive tasks that can be automated from the list of things to do.

Quick start

Create a virtual environment for development:

$ virtualenv dvlpt

Activate it:

$ (on windows)dvlpt\Scripts\activate
$ (on linux)dvlpt/bin/activate

Install pkglts:

(dvlpt)$ pip install pkglts

Create a directory for your package:

(dvlpt)$ mkdir toto

Run ‘manage’ inside this directory:

(dvlpt)$ cd toto
(dvlpt)toto$ pmg init
(dvlpt)toto$ pmg add base
(dvlpt)toto$ pmg regenerate

This will create the bare basic minimum for a python package. Add more options (see the add_option for more options) afterward. Especially, since in the example above we just added the ‘base’ option that will create a ‘src’ directory to put your code in it.


More documentation can be found on readthedocs_pkglts. If you just intend to use this package you can start with some tutorials. However, if the core functionality are not sufficient and you want to be part of the development you might be interested with the developer section of the doc.

Upgrade Package Structure

Packages generated with pkglts contains three different types of files:

  • Configuration files for pkglts, which are all located inside a ‘.pkglts’ directory at the root of your package. This directory especially contains a ‘pkg_cfg.json’ resource file that contains all the information necessary to regenerate your package in order to take into account new developments in the way of packaging or new options you added to your package.

  • Files that contain at least one ‘pkglts’ tag that have been automatically generated by pkglts. Everything inside a pkglts section is regenerated every time the user call ‘regenerate’ on his package and are not meant to be modified. Between pkglts sections the user is free to add his own code that won’t be touched in the regenerate process.

  • developer data and modules edited by hand which contains the actual python code of the package independently of the structure of the package. pkglts will never touch them. If they conflict with some files used by a newly added option, the user will be prompted and will have to solve the conflict in order to install the option.

Every time you make changes to the structure of your package by adding a new option for example, a call to ‘pmg regenerate’ is mandatory to rebuilt the package structural files:

(dvlpt)toto$ pmg rg

This phase will never overwrite any files you modified or created. You’ll be prompted in case of conflicts but it is your responsibility to solve them and relaunch the command.

It is also good practice to regenerate your package from time to time to take into account the latest version of pkglts which will reflect the latest development in the way to package things.

Add Package Structure Functionality

Pkglts provides a set of options to introduce new functionality to an already existing package:

  • base: base option, basic package management

  • license: will help the developer to choose a license and add the relevant files

  • doc: Add some documentation to your package

  • test: basic unitests using Nose

  • coverage: add code coverage to the basic test configuration

  • pyproject: make your package distributable with pip (i.e. pyproject.toml)

  • data: will guide through all the steps to add non python files to a package

  • github: will guide through all the step to safely store the package on Github

  • gitlab: will guide through all the step to safely store the package on a Gitlab repo

  • readthedocs: step by step guide to have your documentation on ReadTheDocs

  • travis: will guide through all the steps to use Travis-CI for continuous integration of your package

  • tox: defines config files to use multi environment testing, Tox

  • flake8: install and config Flake8 tools to check for code compliance to PEP8 guidelines.

  • pypi: step by step guide and configuration to upload package on PyPi.

Install a new option

To install a new option call the ‘add’ action:

(dvlpt)toto$ pmg add license

The script will perform different tasks sequentially:

  • Check if this option requires other options in order to be installed: e.g. the ‘pyproject’ option requires all ‘base, ‘doc’, ‘test’, ‘license’ and ‘version’ in order to run properly.

  • Check if this option requires some extra packages in order to setup: e.g. the ‘test’ option depends on the Nose package to function properly.


Nothing will be installed without your consent

Multiple call to add options can be serialized but you explicitly needs to call regenerate to see the action of the new options on your package:

(dvlpt)toto$ pmg rg

Before calling ‘regenerate’ however, take the time to browse through ‘pkg_cfg.json’ in the ‘.pkglts’ directory to edit the parameters relevant for your option.

Install example files

Some options come with example files that can be installed with the special directive:

(dvlpt)toto$ pmg example test

The files will be directly installed without the need to a regenerate call. You can reinstall them at any time (you’ll be prompted for action if conflicts occur).

Extra tools

Some options of pkglts provide tools to make the life of package manager easier.

  • history: Regenerate the history of your package from associated tags

  • reqs tool: Find all your dependencies

  • bump: Increase your package version number


Work In Progress


You can contribute to this package by:

  • improving the documentation

  • correcting some bugs

  • closing a few issues

  • implementing a new option to add a new functionality to package structures