Source code for pkglts.manage_script

Define actions that can be called with the CLI.
import json
import logging
from argparse import ArgumentParser

from . import logging_tools
from .config_management import get_pkg_config, write_pkg_config
from .manage import (add_option, clean, init_pkg, install_example_files,
                     regenerate_option, regenerate_package, reset_package)
from .option_tools import available_options
from .version_management import outdated_options, write_pkg_version

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def action_info(cfg, **kwds): """Display info on package for debug purpose. """"package info") print("current config (after resolution)") opt_names = kwds['option'] all_opts = False if not opt_names: opt_names = cfg.installed_options(return_sorted=True) all_opts = True outdated = outdated_options(cfg) for name in opt_names: if name in outdated: print(f"{name}: OUTDATED") else: print(name) print(json.dumps(cfg[name], sort_keys=True, indent=2)) if all_opts: print("other available options:") for opt_name in sorted(set(available_options) - set(cfg.installed_options())): print(" ", opt_name)
[docs] def action_clean(cfg, **kwds): """Clean package of all un necessary files. """ del cfg, kwds # unused"clean package") clean()
[docs] def action_init(cfg, **kwds): """Initialize environment for use of pkglts. """ if cfg is not None: LOGGER.warning("Directory is already a pkglts package") return init_pkg() if kwds: action_add(get_pkg_config(), **kwds)
[docs] def action_clear(cfg, **kwds): """Attempt to free the package from pkglts interactions. """ del cfg, kwds # unused"clear") print("TODO")
[docs] def action_update(cfg, **kwds): """Check if a new version of pkglts is available. """ del cfg, kwds # unused"update") print("TODO")
[docs] def action_regenerate(cfg, **kwds): """Regenerate all files in the package. """ outdated = outdated_options(cfg) if len(outdated) > 0: out_fmt = "\n".join(outdated) LOGGER.warning("Some options are outdated," " please upgrade pkglts and/or all the following options:\n" "%s", out_fmt) return clean() if kwds['option']: for name in kwds['option']:"regenerate '%s'", name) regenerate_option(cfg, name, overwrite=kwds['overwrite']) else:"regenerate package") regenerate_package(cfg, overwrite=kwds['overwrite']) write_pkg_version(cfg)
[docs] def action_reset(cfg, **kwds): """Remove all templated files from the package (do it only if pkg is versioned to avoid troubles). """ if not kwds['yes']: ans = input("You're about to remove all templated files y,[n]? ") if ans != "y":"reset aborted, back to safety ;)") return outdated = outdated_options(cfg) if len(outdated) > 0: out_fmt = "\n".join(outdated) LOGGER.warning("Some options are outdated," " please upgrade pkglts and/or all the following options:\n" "%s", out_fmt) return clean()"rm all templated files from packages") reset_package(cfg) write_pkg_version(cfg)
[docs] def action_add(cfg, **kwds): """Add new options in the package. """"add option") for name in kwds['option']: cfg = add_option(name, cfg) write_pkg_config(cfg)
[docs] def action_remove(cfg, **kwds): """Remove options from the package. """ del cfg, kwds"remove option") print("TODO")
[docs] def action_example(cfg, **kwds): """Install example files associated with options. """ for name in kwds['option']: install_example_files(name, cfg)
[docs] def main(): """Run CLI evaluation""" action = dict( info=action_info, clean=action_clean, init=action_init, clear=action_clear, update=action_update, rg=action_regenerate, add=action_add, remove=action_remove, reset=action_reset, example=action_example ) # parse argument line parser = ArgumentParser(description='Package structure manager') parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count", default=0, help="increase output verbosity") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcmd', help='sub-command help') parser_info = subparsers.add_parser('info', help=action_info.__doc__) parser_info.add_argument('option', nargs='*', help="name of option to fetch info") parser_clean = subparsers.add_parser('clean', help=action_clean.__doc__) parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('init', help=action_init.__doc__) parser_init.add_argument('option', nargs='*', help="name of option to add during init") parser_clear = subparsers.add_parser('clear', help=action_clear.__doc__) parser_update = subparsers.add_parser('update', help=action_update.__doc__) parser_rg = subparsers.add_parser('rg', help=action_regenerate.__doc__) parser_rg.add_argument('option', nargs='*', help="name of option to add") parser_rg.add_argument("--overwrite", action='store_true', help="Globally overwrite user modified files") parser_add = subparsers.add_parser('add', help=action_add.__doc__) parser_add.add_argument('option', nargs='+', help="name of option to add") parser_remove = subparsers.add_parser('remove', help=action_remove.__doc__) parser_remove.add_argument('option', nargs='+', help="name of option to remove") parser_reset = subparsers.add_parser('reset', help=action_reset.__doc__) parser_reset.add_argument("--yes", action='store_true', help="Force reset without confirmation") parser_example = subparsers.add_parser('example', help=action_example.__doc__) parser_example.add_argument('option', nargs='+', help="name of option which offer example files") # try to read package config for extra commands try: cfg = get_pkg_config() except FileNotFoundError: cfg = None else: # add option commands for opt_name in cfg.installed_options(): for parser_tool in available_options[opt_name].tools(cfg): name, action_tool = parser_tool(subparsers) action[name] = action_tool kwds = vars(parser.parse_args()) logging_tools.main(kwds.pop('verbosity')) # perform action subcmd = kwds.pop('subcmd') if cfg is None and subcmd != "init": LOGGER.error("Directory is not a pkglts package, run pmg init first") return action[subcmd](cfg, **kwds)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()