Source code for pkglts.option.doc.history

This tool will try to parse all release tags to create an history of package.
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from functools import cmp_to_key
from getpass import getpass
from urllib.parse import quote_plus

import requests
import semver

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def github_tag_list(project): """Retrieve tag list from project. Notes: release tag format a release tag is of the form vX.X.X where X.X.X stands for package version Args: project (str): name of project (e.g. "revesansparole/pkglts") Returns: (dict of (str|dict)): tag name, tag info """ base_url = "" url = f"{base_url}/repos{project}/releases" res = requests.get(url)"status: %s", res.status_code) tags = {} for tag in res.json(): if tag['tag_name'].startswith("v"): tags[tag['tag_name'][1:]] = dict(name=tag['tag_name'], date=tag['created_at'][:10], title=tag['name'], body=tag['body']) return tags
[docs] def gitlab_tag_list(server, project, token): """Retrieve tag list from project. Notes: release tag format a release tag is of the form vX.X.X where X.X.X stands for package version Args: server (str): base url of gitlab server (e.g. "") project (str): name of project (e.g. "agro/agrosim") token (str): valid token to access project repo Returns: (dict of (str|dict)): tag name, tag info """ base_url = f"https://{server}/api/v4/projects" repo_id = quote_plus(project)"repo_id: %s", repo_id) url = f"{base_url}/{repo_id}/repository/tags?private_token={token}" LOGGER.debug("url: %s", url) res = requests.get(url) LOGGER.debug("status: %s", res.status_code) tags = {} for tag in res.json(): if tag['name'].startswith("v"): tags[tag['name'][1:]] = dict(name=tag['name'], date=tag['commit']['committed_date'][:10], title=tag['message'], body=tag['release']['description']) return tags
[docs] def write_changelog(tags, fmt): """Write changelog file according to the content of release tags. Notes: release tag format a release tag is of the form vX.X.X where X.X.X stands for package version Warnings: invalid tags The process will not check that tags are properly formatted. Args: tags (dict): as returned by one of tag_list function fmt (str): format for documentation 'md' or 'rst' Returns: (None) """ ver_list = list(tags.keys()) ver_list.sort(key=cmp_to_key(, reverse=True) # format changelog if fmt not in ('md', 'rst'): LOGGER.warning("Doc format '%s' unsupported", fmt) else: if fmt == "md": txt = "# History\n\n" for ver in ver_list: tag = tags[ver] txt += f"## {tag['name']} - <small>*({tag['date']})*</small> - {tag['title']}\n\n" txt += tag['body'] txt += "\n\n" else: # fmt == "rst": txt = "=======\nHistory\n=======\n\n" for ver in ver_list: tag = tags[ver] tag_title = f"{tag['name']} - *({tag['date']})* - {tag['title']}" txt += tag_title + "\n" txt += "=" * len(tag_title) + "\n\n" txt += tag['body'] txt += "\n\n" root_dir = Path('.') for name in (f"CHANGELOG.{fmt}", f"HISTORY.{fmt}"): pth = root_dir / name if pth.exists():"write changelog in %s", name) pth.write_text(txt) break
[docs] def action_history(cfg, **kwds): """Regenerate history file from tag list. """"Reconstruct history") # extract release tags from versioning system if 'git' not in cfg.installed_options(): LOGGER.warning("Project is not under git versioning, unable to continue") return if 'gitlab' in cfg.installed_options(): server = cfg['gitlab']['server'] owner = cfg['gitlab']['owner'] project = cfg['gitlab']['project'] token = getpass("gitlab API access token:") tags = gitlab_tag_list(server, f"{owner}/{project}", token) elif 'github' in cfg.installed_options(): owner = cfg['github']['owner'] project = cfg['github']['project'] tags = github_tag_list(f"{owner}/{project}") else:"git only option not supported yet") tags = {} # format tags into history file if tags: write_changelog(tags, cfg['doc']['fmt'])
[docs] def parser_history(subparsers): """Associate a CLI to this tool. Notes: The CLI will be a subcommand of pmg. Args: subparsers (ArgumentParser): entity to create a subparsers Returns: (string): a unique id for this parser (callable): the action to perform """ subparsers.add_parser('history', help=action_history.__doc__) return 'history', action_history