Source code for pkglts.option.git.option

import logging
import re
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

from unidecode import unidecode

from pkglts.option_object import Option
from pkglts.version import __version__

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class OptionGit(Option):
[docs] def version(self): return __version__
[docs] def root_dir(self): return Path(__file__).parent
[docs] def update_parameters(self, cfg):"update parameters %s", self._name) sec = dict( permanent_branches=[], ) cfg[self._name] = sec
[docs] def require_option(self, cfg): return ['base']
[docs] def environment_extensions(self, cfg): del cfg try: log = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '--all', '--use-mailmap'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8') commiters = re.findall(r'Author: (.*) <(.*@.*)>\n', unidecode(log)) ccs = [(commiters.count(commiter), commiter) for commiter in set(commiters)] contributors = [commiter for nb, commiter in sorted(ccs, reverse=True)] except (KeyError, OSError): LOGGER.warning("Please add git to your $PATH") contributors = [("I failed to construct the contributor list", "")] except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: contributors = [(f"Pb with git, {err}", "err@err.err")] return {'contributors': contributors}