Source code for pkglts.option.version.bump_version

This tool will try to bump the version number of the package.
import logging

import semver
from pkglts.config_management import write_pkg_config

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def action_bump(cfg, **kwds): """Bump version number. """"Bump version") pos = kwds['pos'] # update both the actual config and its associated template for sec in (cfg['version'], cfg.template()['version']): if pos == 'major': sec['major'] += 1 sec['minor'] = 0 sec['post'] = 0 elif pos == 'minor': sec['minor'] += 1 sec['post'] = 0 elif pos == 'post': sec['post'] += 1 else: # version has been given as 'X.X.X', force it try: version = semver.VersionInfo.parse(pos) sec['major'] = version.major sec['minor'] = version.minor sec['post'] = version.patch except ValueError: LOGGER.error("Bump version: invalid argument '%s'", pos) write_pkg_config(cfg)
[docs] def parser_bump(subparsers): """Associate a CLI to this tool. Notes: The CLI will be a subcommand of pmg. Args: subparsers (ArgumentParser): entity to create a subparsers Returns: (string): a unique id for this parser (callable): the action to perform """ parser = subparsers.add_parser('bump', help=action_bump.__doc__) parser.add_argument('pos', help="Element of version to bump {major, minor, post or X.X.X}") return 'bump', action_bump